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6 Steps to Become a LinkedIn Pro

LinkedIn is the gateway tool to all your networking, connecting, and job searching hopes and dreams. The goal for your LinkedIn profile is to be descriptive and effectively brand you and your skills! These 6 tips will help you become a LinkedIn pro in no time!


1 – Professional Photo

Take the time to upload a professional picture of yourself! A professional photo can really make your LinkedIn profile stand out in a sea of LinkedIn default characters. Make sure you keep it professional – think about your occupation, not your pastime hobbies. You want to make sure your appearance stands out in the right light.


2 – Summary

Write a summary that is all that and a bag of chips. Seriously – take this as your platform to SELL yourself! Your summary should highlight your specialties while defining your accomplishments and achievements. Zero in on your relevant career information, avoid rambling, and make sure it flows naturally for the reader.


3 – Searchable Keywords

Strategically use keywords. Given your experience and skills, think about the keywords you want to be associated with and then target that within your skillsets. Utilize those words or terms in your LinkedIn profile. It will lead recruiters and others to your profile first – i.e. before your competition.


4 – Work History

The work history section is super important. Job titles are great but can be generic and overall uninformative. Write out what you did for the company. Full blown essay is not needed – keep it simple and to the point. You want to hit your high notes and day to day activities while highlighting any additional experiences that will help market you towards your professional future.


5 – Endorsements

List all of your skills in the endorsement section. Others will endorse you for your skills, and maybe some that you might not have thought of. This will aid you in highlighting any other additional skills that might have been difficult or repetitive to mention in your work history.


6 – Activity on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is all about connecting with professionals in your industry. Connect with people that are in your professional network. Join groups that target your area of expertise. Share, like, and comment on posts that are industry relevant. This is an easy way to start popping up on other’s newsfeeds and just another way for you to market yourself.


All in all, LinkedIn is a great tool to market and brand yourself in your professional sector. Everyone should capitalize and jump on the LinkedIn profile train. Technology makes it so easy for us to put it all out there and tell the world how wonderful we are. Let’s take this opportunity to update our LinkedIn profiles and show the world that glistening professional aura. I mean, who wouldn’t want to hire someone that spectacular?!

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