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How Using a Recruiter Can Save Your Job Search | Questpro
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How Using a Recruiter Can Save Your Job Search

Let’s face it, changing your job or switching careers is one of the biggest decisions you will make in life. It’s right up there with getting married, buying home, or even starting a family. Working with a recruiter can save time and stress associated with your job search.

Whether you have personally worked with a recruiter or not, we have all heard the good and bad. Here are 5 reasons why working with a recruiter can save your job search and benefit you especially if you are currently working or a passive candidate.

  1. Consulting – Think of us as your personal career consultant…guiding, coaching, and walking you through the interview process. We prepare you for the interview based on knowledge of previous interviews and relationships with hiring managers. Give you the best tips & advice for the interview that you may have not known beforehand which will put you one step ahead of your competition who is not using a recruiter.
  • Keeping your resume from the “black hole” – Recruiters can help you avoid the “black hole” trap by formatting & tailoring your resume to the job so you stand out of the stack! We often have direct contact with hiring managers and can get your resume presented to them vs. applying online. I have personally spoken to so many candidates that apply online via the job boards or even directly to the employer’s website, only to never hear back. We are the middleman that can get your foot in the door!
  • Save Time – More often than not, when you apply online your resume goes into a “virtual pile” that HR must sort through and then send onto hiring managers before they even get to yours…and in that pile are tons of unqualified candidates. Working with a recruiter can expedite the process and possibility of an interview because we are able send your resume directly to the hiring manager/HR. This helps to speed up the time between applying and your first interview. Whether you are a passive or an active candidate, we are able to format your resume, schedule interviews, and walk you through the process so you don’t have to worry about anything during work hours. A recruiter can make finding a job while you have a job, a little easier.
  • Negotiating Salary – Offer-time, congrats you got the job!  This everyone’s end goal, right? The candidate, recruiter, and employer.  It is also the best part of the interview process, but it’s not always that easy to negotiate salary with your future employer or manager…sometimes these conversations can be a bit awkward! Recruiters are skilled at the “money talk” and know the employer from previous hires. We know when to push back and when to not (no one wants an offer rescinded), but we also know the employers’ target salary range and going market pay to negotiate the best deal for everyone!
  • Long-Lasting Relationships & Future Employment – It’s right before the holidays, you are called into a company meeting or have an end-of-year review, (which might be happening at this moment), and you might get a nice raise or the flip side…find out that your company is downsizing and you are being laid-off! Quick, what do you do? You call the recruiter that placed you previously or that recruiter that called you so many times in the past when you weren’t looking or open to new opportunities. By creating these long-lasting relationships with recruiters, we can help you with future employment.

I get it, the scenario above might be a bit dramatic and not the case for you, but maybe you’re in role now not unhappy…but not satisfied with (culture, pay, or growth) whatever that might be, and you get that random call from a recruiter, it’s your dream job and the stars align! Recruiters can also save you from your current job!

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