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Trends in the Life Insurance Industry | Questpro Recruiters
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Trends in the Life Insurance Industry

The Life Insurance Industry is always evolving and changing, and you need to keep up with the latest trends in order to be considered for the best job opportunities. Here’s what you should know:


One of the biggest trends in the business right now is Automation and Electronic Underwriting. This is not a new concept and the industry has been working on automation for years, but it finally looks to be here. Electronic underwriting is starting to affect the underwriting professional as technology is starting to automate some of these positions. There will always be the need for experienced human underwriters especially for the larger and more complicated risks. However, for the lower level cases, the machines can do the job fairly effectively, getting better over time.

Types of Jobs-

Another trend we see is that many of our clients are now looking to fill positions like Data Scientist, Data Engineer, etc. These positions typically require a bachelor’s degree or higher in one of these areas: Economics, Mathematics and Statistics. Data Scientists typically work within the Actuarial department and are usually there to help build and develop (predictive models). These jobs are expected to increase over time.

Remote Options-

We are also seeing more and more companies allow for remote or work from home possibilities. The most common remote (work from home) job title is Underwriter. In fact, there are many Life Insurance companies who have fully remote underwriting departments, including the managers. Other remote positions tend to be highly specialized positions like Data Scientist. The reason for this is that these employees are difficult to find, and if the candidate is not willing to relocate, then the company will allow for work from home, instead of losing out on this highly skilled candidate.

Remote does not typically apply to more common roles like call center, claims, etc. A third common remote position is Regional Sales RVP Wholesaler roles where heavy travel is required. Since these employees are always on the road, it usually does not matter to the company where they live as long as they are close to a major airport. There are still companies that resist the remote option but expect to see nearly every company in the future with more and more employees working from home.

Video Interviewing-

Finally, we are starting to see some companies that are making hiring decisions without a face to face on-site interview. This is rare, but it’s starting to gain some traction for roles like Life Underwriter where the technical skill and communication skills can be easily assessed on the phone. Since many times the job is remote and the candidates have been working remote, there is no real need to bring the candidates on site for a traditional in-person interview. Skype and other video conference technologies are replacing this on-site interview. Because this option is growing in popularity, you will need to place a strong emphasis on your phone interview abilities. Remember, dress to impress on a video call, even if it’s only from the waist up!

These are a few of the trends we are seeing in the industry today! Please contact Jason Keck, [email protected], if you are interested in working with Questpro, to help fill open positions or find work for yourself. We are available to discuss any of your staffing needs!

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