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Choosing a Career as an Auto Insurance Claims Adjuster


The insurance industry has many different job opportunities to offer. Whether you are a recent college graduate, a working professional who is looking to make a career change, or are an experienced insurance professional, there are numerous job roles to choose from, depending on your area of interest. One potential career opportunity is to become a claims adjuster. There are many different types of claims adjusters, including property claims adjusters, workers’ compensation claims adjusters and auto insurance claims adjusters.

If you’re considering a career as an auto insurance claims adjuster, keep reading to find out more about what auto adjusters do and why they’re important in the insurance world.


What is an auto insurance claims adjuster?

Anyone who has ever been in an auto accident has most likely dealt with an auto insurance claims adjuster. Auto claims adjusters, whether they are staff adjusters or independent adjusters, represent insurance companies and communicate directly with claimants.

Depending on the type of claim, auto claims adjusters can also be known as auto adjusters, auto claims specialists, auto casualty adjusters, auto PIP adjusters, auto property damage adjusters, total loss adjusters, auto bodily injury (BI) adjusters or non-standard auto adjusters. An average auto claims adjuster’s salary is around $50,000 per year.


What does the job usually entail?

Auto insurance adjusting requires investigating claims submitted by customers who have experienced some car accident or complication. Claims adjusters or specialists focus on gathering all the relevant details of the incident to ensure that there is no fraud occurring and to correctly indicate who is at fault. Auto insurance claims adjusters also figure out if a claimant’s insurance plan covers the damages that may have occurred as a result of the accident. 

When investigating a case, an auto adjuster may do the following:

  • Take photos of the damage done to the car and give the vehicle an in-person assessment
  • Interview parties involved in the incident
  • Collect reports from authorities and hospitals

Auto insurance claims adjusters can have anywhere from 50 to 100 claims in a month, so are well-trained in dealing with high-stress situations. Auto adjusters need to have impeccable communication skills and the ability to empathize with anxious customers.

At Questpro, we partner with leading insurance companies to help them find quality talent, fast. If you’re interested in a career as a claims adjuster, we would love to help you find the position that’s right for you. Visit our Career Portal to learn more about Questpro and the positions we are currently recruiting for.

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