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What Should I Ask In an Interview? | Questpro Recruiters
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What Should I Ask In an Interview?

Preparing a list of questions to ask your interviewer is one of the most important preparation tips to ensuring a successful on-site meeting! While nerve-wracking, this is an interview to allow you time to discover more about the company and the role. Use this time wisely! To ensure you’re making your mark a positive one during your interview, follow these tips to make the most of your time with the hiring manager and team.

Job-Specific Questions:

  • What did the last person in this position do to be successful?
  • What does success look like in this role? How is it measured?
  • What are some items you’re hoping this person can achieve in three months? Six months? One year?
  • What does a typical day in this role look like?
    • Not only is this a chance for the company to interview you, but this is your chance to fully understand the role in its entirety. Use this opportunity to evaluate them! Does this explanation sound like something you would want to spend your days doing? If not, you can reevaluate after the interview. If so, great news all around! Continue to show your interest. Also, remember that even if this doesn’t sound like what you were hoping for, be courteous and engaging. They’re taking their time to speak to you, so please be gracious.
  • What are the largest challenges this job poses?

Company-Specific Questions:

  • Why do you like working here?
  • What makes your company stand out from your competitors?
  • Can you provide insight into the company culture?
  • What are your teams plans for growth and advancement?
  • What are the company’s plans for growth and advancement?
  • What is the company’s onboarding and training like?
    • The onboarding process can be a huge indication of how organized and dedicated the company is to providing a true training experience.

Finally, don’t be afraid to get personal, WITH CARE – don’t ask anything that would make your interviewer uncomfortable. Here are some good ways to connect with your interviewer without diving too deep!

Interviewer-Specific Questions:

  • Take note of their photos and memorabilia in their office. If it’s hanging up at work, odds are they will be comfortable sharing.
  • If you notice their degree – where did you go to college? Share connections if you have friends/family members that are also alumni.
  • Do they have any visible hobbies? Terra Cotta pottery from their travels? Ask about their trips! Nascar prints? Ask them where they learned their love of racing!
  • Most people love to share their stories if you let them. The longer you can keep the interviewer talking the better (without putting them on the spot or dragging on the conversation).
  • Do you have any reservations about my skill set or what I’m bringing to the table?
    • While this can be scary to dig for, it is often a great sign of their interest in you. The best part of this question is that it allows you to address any hesitation or reservations they may have about your or your experience before you leave the premises. It always feels great to hold the opportunity in your hands of addressing your experience or answering any final questions/thoughts the interviewer may have.

One more point to note: make sure you don’t ask anything about vacation time, perks, schedule changes, or if you landed the job. You never want to put your interviewer on the spot! All of these types of questions come across as impatient and flighty. Following these interview tips will ensure both of you have enjoyable time during this interview process… well, as enjoyable as an interview can be!

Best of luck!

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